Four things to think about when being in two minds.
Our lives our full of decision-making activities and the catalyst to making any decision, starts with our perception. If we perceive a large slice of cake to be a well-deserved treat; then sure enough, the resultant calories won’t matter.
From the mundane to the profound, our decisions matter. If we are intent on making decisions, which benefit us, then it is important to remember we possess a conscious and subconscious mind.
The conscious and sub-conscious minds are interdependent. The conscious mind represents our personal identity our very core. It has the capacity to consider the future and past and even disconnect when it tries to solve problems for the present. Our conscious mind is the repository of positive thoughts and of course, negative thoughts.
The subconscious mind is the custodian of our habits. If dunking biscuits in your warm team is something you’ve done as a child: you can thank the subconscious mind.
Understanding the relationship between our two consciousness’s is important if we want to break detrimental habits or embrace our unlimited potential. To help appreciate and work with these differences, here are five critical things to remember.
1. The subconscious mind is powerful.
When it comes to neurological processing abilities – the subconscious is supreme. New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside because a conscious thought to quit a dreadful job and a bullying boss; are trumped by the overwhelming and habitual need for security.
2. The conscious mind is great at making wish lists.
We often believe we are conducting our daily lives through the wishes, dreams, and aspirations forged in our creative, conscious mind. The fact is, wishing our lives away, happens because we are not addressing our underlying habits, fears, history and the environmental conditioning from others.
3. Others impact our subconscious programming.
In our early years, the environment we are in forms habits. Our parents, family, friends, teachers, etc… all, play their part. It is possible, that some of these early programs are faulty and consequently, delimit and disempower your amazing potential. If your parents thought you, ‘stupid’ - be assured you very likely have some defective coding in your subconscious.
4. Faulty scripts in your subconscious can be rewritten
The good news is, that you can’t rewrite history but you can create new ways of thinking and feeling! You can access the subconscious and deliver empowering instructions and fresh ways of working with your subconscious.
A book called Trash Talk written by Steve Richardson could help you reprogram your limiting beliefs and help you to attract love, enjoy better health, feel more confident and get more out of life.
If you send in a request through the fearless outcomes website, I’ll send you a free PDF copy!
With Love… Denise